Happy Irish Birthday Dennis. May you always have love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, may God send Many blessings to you… Enjoy your special day.
OUR CREDENTIALS – Brother Juan Blanco laid awesome St. Patrick’s Day Birthday card on me that was designed by awesome Atherine Blanco.
Juan and I were the only paratroopers in the room who served with 8th Infantry Division in Cold War Europe circa 1970s. Thank You Juan, Atherine, and Coffee4Vets friends.
When Brig. Gen. Charles Canham prepared to take surrender of Lt. Gen. Herman Ramke and his fallschirmjaeger paratroopers in Normandy, Ramke considered Canham, deputy division commander, his junior and demanded his credentials.
Canham turned to his heavily armed, filthy dogface 8th Infantry Division G.I. and said “These are my credentials,” and he took the surrender. How mottos get born.