GREATEST GENERATION, BIG 98 – More than 75 years ago Tom Conroy Sr. was turning wrenches and joining air crew with Army Air Corps on anti-submarine warfare patrols during World War II.
On Sunday of a summer that marks the 75th anniversary of the end of history’s greatest conflict Tom was serenaded for a big “Happy Birthday “by about 100 veteran friends and supporters.
Conroy’s son, also Tom, served with 9th Infantry in Vietnam. The elder Conroy’s father served in World War I, and his grandfather in the Spanish-American War. Altogether, five generations of service. And five generations of family gathered Sunday.
Turning out to pay their respects, motorcyclists from Patriot Guard Riders, Patriot Crusaders, American Legion Riders, also vet motorists and veterans supporters from Coffee4Vets, Vets4veterans, Point Man Antelope Valley and more.
WWII veteran Conroy also volunteered for Marine Reserves during Korean War.
On a Sunday, before a cohort of masked riders, he said, said, “Thank You,” and added, “I’m staying for the cake.”
To the veterans his Vietnam vet son Tom said, “Thank You all from the bottom of my heart.”
Dave Corbin, Patriot Guard Ride Captain for the Antelope Valley, called the escort to attention, hand salute, and it was time to have some birthday cake.
Photos Dennis Anderson and Atherine Blanco.