More than 100 senior officers, senior NCOs, Airmen, citizen leaders, elected officials and their representatives turned out Friday for a tribute to outgoing 412th Test Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Matthew W. Higer, ranking officer and commander at Edwards Air Force Base. In turn, BG Higer expressed heartfelt thanks and gratitude for his wing commanders, and


The Edwards Civilian Military Support Group, Civ-Mil, hosted its Annual Summer Barbecue at Lane Hacienda Ranch. Civ-Mil President Matthew Winheim introduced Brig. Gen. Matthew W. Higer, outgoing commander of 412th Test Wing. Higer lauded the group formed more than 30 years ago by the late local business leader Aida O’Connor. “You’re my people,” Higer said.

Battlefield Cross Reveal

Join us near the flagpole for a reveal of the Battlefield Cross, a statue to honor and respect soldiers killed on the battlefield. Battlefield Cross Reveal Thursday, July 27, 5 pm Poncitlán Square 38315 9th St. East The statue was selected with the feedback and support of local Veterans groups who assisted with the 2022


GET SOME FOR DARKHORSE MARINES – Got 5K for Joey Lopez-Pratti and his fallen and surviving brothers of the 3/5 Marines. The 5K Run-Walk raises funds for the Darkhorse Lodge, a retreat ranch for Marinés recovering from the wounds, seen and unseen, of the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11. “This is what we

Coffee 4 Vets BBQ

Had a fun day today volunteering at the Lancaster Elks lodge; Coffee 4 Vets put on a bbq to thank all our veterans for their service! It’s amazing to have the opportunity to be apart of wonderful things! LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!!!! Thank you to all that have served!!!! Click on