Information Tailored for Veterans
Coffee4VETS President Juan Blanco speaks with Krishna Flores, Veteran Outreach Program Specialist.
Coffee4VETS President Juan Blanco speaks with Krishna Flores, Veteran Outreach Program Specialist.
Coffee4VETS President Juan Blanco speaks with Dennis Anderson, Clinical Therapist. Veteran talk about Mental Health, Suicide and PTSD during COVID-19
L.A. Sheriff’s deputies joined by Patriot Guard Riders, Coffee4Vets, Vets4veterans, Point Man AV and Blue Star Mother’s rolled out a five-star birthday salute Wednesday for Deputy Luis Gaxiola, an 82nd Airborne veteran of Operation Desert Storm and the Iraq war. Gaxiola returned from a tough surgery and hospital stay in time for his 51st birthday…
Fifteen Marines and the sailor were participating in a routine training exercise off the coast of San Clemente Island on Thursday when their amphibious assault vehicle began taking on water and sank. Eight Marines were pulled from the water – one died and two others remained hospitalized in critical condition Sunday, the Marines said in…
Edwards Air Force Base honor guard and Patriot Guard Riders, American Legion Riders of the Antelope Valley provided ceremonial escort for Sr. Airman Cody Chrisman on his final journey home to Colorado.Personnel and volunteers gathered early at Halley Olsen Funeral Home for salute and escort for Chrisman, who was killed in a traffic accident in…
Julia our wish for you on your birthday. Whatever you ask may you receive. Whatever you seek may you find. Whatever you wish may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always. This day is your. Enjoy!
Coffee4VETS sending Happy Birthday greetings to our veteran Brother James Scott who is celebrating today his big day. Jim is a veteran with many talents and championships in Fishing, Bow & Arrow, excellent Marksman Hunter i.e. Deer Hunting. We are wishing you a very joyful day & a blessed year. Loads of virtual hugs &…
Three months and five days in the hospital, and Walter Sapp, Lt. Cmdr. Ret. U.S. Coast Guard, is a coronavirus survivor. Sapp, 76, believed he did well surviving Vietnam 50 years ago.He served as a fighting sailor in “brown water navy,” boats that fought the Viet Cong on coastal and inland waterways.He never got a…
GREATEST GENERATION, BIG 98 – More than 75 years ago Tom Conroy Sr. was turning wrenches and joining air crew with Army Air Corps on anti-submarine warfare patrols during World War II. On Sunday of a summer that marks the 75th anniversary of the end of history’s greatest conflict Tom was serenaded for a big…