More than 100 senior officers, senior NCOs, Airmen, citizen leaders, elected officials and their representatives turned out Friday for a tribute to outgoing 412th Test Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Matthew W. Higer, ranking officer and commander at Edwards Air Force Base.

In turn, BG Higer expressed heartfelt thanks and gratitude for his wing commanders, and their chiefs and Airmen. He said, ultimately, service is an action of love and caring. The troops care for the mission and each other, and the leaders carry responsibility to care for and about the welfare and wellbeing of their troops while staying focused on the mission of supporting the warfighters.

Higer took command of the 412th Test Wing, effectively serving as commander of Edwards AFB, just as the pandemic swept the nation in 2020. It became the base mission of the “Flight Test Center of the Universe” to protect the force during the pandemic and to maintain operational tempo.

“We didn’t come through unscathed, but everyone worked together, Higer said at his farewell fete held at Club Muroc. “And I have you to Thank for that, all the people who made it happen.”

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