Coffee4VETS Morning Breakfast – May 7, 2024
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HONORABLE SERVICE – Brig. Gen. Douglas Wickert, commanding 412th TW at Edwards AFB, Flight Test Center of the Universe, thanked dozens of veterans for their service Tuesday morning Coffee 4 Vets CO Wickert thanked the veterans for their service prevailing in wars both cold and hot and said U.S. military mission is to preserve freedom’s…
COFFEE4VETS TUESDAY – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, all armed services veterans every Tuesday to hear most diverse array of information for veterans on how to live better and enjoy life better. Click on the images to view gallery.
Message from Jimmy Guevar Hello Community members of the AV and Santa Clarita, The VA will be providing their Mobile Medical Unit to the veterans. Please see the attached flyer for location and time. Partners that will be providing direct services at the location. Please distribute it to any organization or veteran that could benefit…
Happy Easter Resurrection Day to our Veteran family member. Rejoice for Christ has risen. Enjoy your time with family & Friends. Be safe in your travels.
Vietnam Era Day Event at Edwards Air Force Base being hosted by the Kikana Morel, Sales and Merchandise Manager and Nickie Manibusan, Visual Merchandising Manager at the Exchange aka BX. Many veterans from the Antelope Valley, Cal City and Tehachapi are in attendance. Breakfast Pizza & coffee provided by Carl Wofe, Exchange Gas Station. Should…