Coffee4VETS Morning Breakfast – June 27, 2023

Coffee4VETS June 27, 2023 Announcements. HONORS AND RECOGNITION – At Coffee4Vets today Army combat engineer veteran Darius Dear of Vets4veterans and Charles Rachell Army veteran of Vietnam War Era were recognized for their contributions to community. Recognition from City of Palmdale was conferred after recent Juneteenth ceremonies commemorating the day June 19, 1867, when U.S.


GET SOME FOR DARKHORSE MARINES – Got 5K for Joey Lopez-Pratti and his fallen and surviving brothers of the 3/5 Marines. The 5K Run-Walk raises funds for the Darkhorse Lodge, a retreat ranch for Marinés recovering from the wounds, seen and unseen, of the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11. “This is what we

Coffee 4 Vets BBQ

Had a fun day today volunteering at the Lancaster Elks lodge; Coffee 4 Vets put on a bbq to thank all our veterans for their service! It’s amazing to have the opportunity to be apart of wonderful things! LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!!!! Thank you to all that have served!!!! Click on