Mobile Medical Unit
Message from Jimmy Guevar Hello Community members of the AV and Santa Clarita, The VA will be providing their Mobile Medical Unit to the veterans. Please see the attached flyer for location and time. Partners that will be providing direct services at the location. Please distribute it to any organization or veteran that could benefit…
Happy Easter 2024
Happy Easter Resurrection Day to our Veteran family member. Rejoice for Christ has risen. Enjoy your time with family & Friends. Be safe in your travels.
Vietnam Era Day Event 2024
Vietnam Era Day Event at Edwards Air Force Base being hosted by the Kikana Morel, Sales and Merchandise Manager and Nickie Manibusan, Visual Merchandising Manager at the Exchange aka BX. Many veterans from the Antelope Valley, Cal City and Tehachapi are in attendance. Breakfast Pizza & coffee provided by Carl Wofe, Exchange Gas Station. Should…
Wish Dayle DeBry a Happy and Relaxing Retirement
A big Thank You to everyone who came out to wish Dayle DeBry a Happy and Relaxing Retirement! The weather was cold but our hearts were warmed by everyone’s presence. Dayle DeBry, Dave Owens, Lin Judith Blanco, Richard Cook, Antelope Valley Blue Star Mothers Chapter 14, Ken Mann, Philip Roberts, Karla Archuleta, @followers and a…
Homes 4 Families
Are you ready for take off? We have some amazing auction items at our Hearts for Heroes Builder’s Ball this year! Get your tickets today and join us March 22, 2024.
Elks Riders Lodge Raising Funds for the Fisher House
Elks Riders Lodge 2027 E. Ave Q, Palmdale 93550 Raising Funds for the Fisher House. Live Band, Vendors and Raffles Prizes… It’s an event for the entire family.