Coffee4VETS Morning Breakfast – July 9, 2024
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IMPORTANT UPDATE – The VA Open House set for Friday, Sept. 12, 10 à.m., has MOVED. Location now set for ELKS LODGE 1625, 240 E. Ave. K, Lancaster. Elks Lodge is a great central location with excellent hosting facilities. This is the place where veterans can access VA for claims, health and benefits, disability claims.…
AN ANTELOPE VALLEY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND – The solemn ceremonies at Lancaster Cemetery and City of Palmdale’s Poncitlan Square. The memorable crew of veterans hosted by Coffee 4 Vets at Lancaster Elks Lodge for the Walter Sapp Memorial Day Barbecue. A big weekend of ceremonies and respectful gatherings demonstrating to the world at large that…
Coffee4VETS Welcomes you to The LCDR Walter Sapp Memorial Day BBQ. Honoring The Men and Women Who Sacrificed all So WE could Live in FREEDOM.. Today’s Keynote Speaker is Mike Paoli, Director Public Affairs, 412th Edwards Sir Force Base. Presentation of Colors “The Scouts.”
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Happy Mother’s Day to all our Veteran and Active Military Mom’s and Happy Mr. Mom’s day to all the single Dad’s. I totally appreciate everything you given and have done for your family and this great Nation. Wishing you a day of Honor and Blessings. So, please Enjoy your day in Celebration of YOU.
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COFFEE4VETS TUESDAY – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, all armed services veterans every Tuesday to hear most diverse array of information for veterans on how to live better and enjoy life better. Click on the images to view gallery.