Coffee4VETS Morning Breakfast – January 30 , 2024
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Are you prepared? Southern California has been shaken by two earthquakes the first week of 2024. We want to remind you it’s never too late to get prepared for the next one, disaster can strike at any moment. Protect yourself and your loved ones by having a plan. Below are a few items you may…
It’s the “AV VETERAN EXPO” AKA “Stand Down” on Sat, Feb 3, 2024. Providing resources for the veterans community. Your opportunity to speak with your VSO to get updates and new changes that may affect your benefits. Spread the News.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Merry Christmas from Coffee4VETS, Inc to our Veteran family and our veteran communities. ‘Tis the Season to be thankful for our lives together and this Tuesday we get to enjoy another meal & a hot cup of coffee together as we close out 2023. Thank you for being a blessing to us and each other.
At Fusion movement dance academy in Lancaster Ca watching the making of the flash mob with Cynthia Becerra Mitra Licciardi for the December 9 Jethawks stadium event. Don’t miss this event.
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