Coffee4VETS Morning Breakfast – November 12, 2024

A VETERAN BREAKFAST – At Tuesday’s gathering of veterans at Crazy Otto’s Restaurant the crew took stock of all the Veterans Day (week) activities. The Marine Corps Birthday. Vet Visits to Edwards Air Force Base and Tamarisk Elementary in Palmdale. Veterans Day observed at Lancaster Cemetery and Poncitlan Square in Palmdale. Spectrum Government Affairs Representative


VETERANS HONORED AT TAMARISK ELEMENTARY – For years children at this Palmdale Elementary School in its central city area have learned love, patriotism and gratitude for the men and women who served in our armed forces. In the week before Veterans Day they showed what love of America looks like. Veterans were treated to a

The Veterans Military Ball 2024

Brig. Gen. Douglas Wickert, 412th Test Wing Commander, and Col. Ahave Brown, 412th Maintenance Group Commander, attended the Coffee 4 Vets Veterans Military Ball in Lancaster, Calif., Nov. 2. The Veterans Military Ball is a special event designed to provide an opportunity for local Veterans to attend a military service ball that they may have