About 200 people who were feeling it turned out – outdoors, masked (mostly) and distanced, generally and considerately of others, to opening of 2,020 American Flags at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale on Sunday.

The 2,020 flags honor troops, veterans, first responders, healthcare heroes. The Palmdale Auto Mall Association provided key sponsors support. Amazon pitched in for flags for AV Fallen, for AV ‘76 – Our Fallen from Vietnam War.

People who bought flags through City of Palmdale and Colonial Flag Foundation for $30 honored their family’s heroes. Sales benefit local Veterans Organizations, American Legion Post 348, Palmdale; VFW Post 3000; Vets4veterans, Point Man Antelope Valley and Coffee4Vets.

Presentation runs 24/7 through November 11 Veterans Day. Ceremonies at Pelona Vista Park at 11a.m. On Veterans Day.